During our conversations with exhibitors and attendees at the recent Texprocess Americas show in Atlanta, we realized there may be some confusion about future Texprocess and Texprocess Americas dates. Please allow us to clear up any confusion below.

Those of you who have been around the industry for a while likely know that the two shows typically alternate every year with Texprocess in Frankfurt, Germany, and Texprocess Americas in Atlanta, Georgia. But, like with everything else, Covid-19 threw a wrench in the works, and we have made a few adjustments to ensure both shows will be successful in the future. Beginning with the Frankfurt show this month (June 21-24), Texprocess will now be held on years ending in even numbers; Texprocess Americas will be held on odd years. This means that the next Texprocess Americas shows will be in 2023, 2025, 2027, and so on. In addition, please note that Texprocess (Frankfurt) is always held in conjunction with Techtextil (Frankfurt), while Texprocess Americas (Atlanta) is accompanied by Techtextil North America (Atlanta). However, Techtextil North America is held every year. So, on those even years when there is no Texprocess Americas show, Techtextil North America is held on its own. The past two solo Techtexil North America shows have been held in Raleigh, North Carolina, with great results.
Here are the dates for the next shows:
June 21-24, 2022: Texprocess & Techtextil - Frankfurt, Germany
May 10-12, 2023: Texprocess Americas & Techtextil North America - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
2024 (Dates TBD): Texprocess & Techtextil - Frankfurt, Germany
2024 (Dates TBD): Techtextil North America - Location TBD, USA
2025 (Dates TBD): Texprocess Americas & Techtextil North America - Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Texprocess Americas 2023:
Booth space sales for the 2023 Texprocess Americas show in Atlanta have already begun, if you are interested in reserving booth space now or learning more about the process, please visit the Texprocess Americas website or email
Note: SPESA members receive a discount and priority booking for Texprocess Americas booth space.
Keep up to date with all things Texprocess Americas by subscribing to the show newsletter here.
If you have any additional questions about these future shows, please reach out to the SPESA team.